The court of Tarascon (France) in turn handed down, a judicial decision in which it condemned the Confédération Paysanne, a French agricultural union, which known for its alignment with the theses of the Polisario.
Turing back the hand of time, specially, in April 2014, the Confédération Paysanne, which is behind the legal harassment of the agricultural agreement in France, brought legal action before the Tarascon commercial court against the company “IDYL” – a company specializing in the marketing of fruit and vegetables from Morocco, including the Southern Provinces.
Thus, “IDYL” succeeded in exposing during the trial, the fact that the legal action brought in the name of the Confédération Paysanne, is in reality only the action of a minority not representative of the Organization, deprived of any capacity to act in justice. Beyond the procedural aspects, the action – aborted by force of law – of this minority is a real blacklisting of certain leaders of the Confédération Paysanne, who do not hesitate to circumvent the own regulations of the organisation, for the sole purpose of carrying out political activism hostile to Morocco.
On this basis, the Court condemned the Confédération Paysanne, thus granting a legal victory to “IDYL”, which stigmatized the manipulations indulged by certain relays of the Polisario, in the interest of well-known parties, and for purely political reasons.
The Confédération Paysanne has repeatedly demonstrated its hostility and its dogmatic alignment with the theses of the Polisario.
The judgment of the Court of Tarascon was therefore satisfactory. It did not recognize the right of the Confédération Paysanne and those who pull its strings to have any regard in the economic development of the Kingdom’s southern provinces.
As for economic relations between Morocco and the EU in the agricultural sectors, they are and remain favoured by history and geographical proximity, which make their respective markets prime outlets for Moroccan and European products.
Since its entry into force, the agreement has been implemented in a mutually beneficial approach, as confirmed by the various reports drawn up by the European Commission.
Therefore, to complying with international law and European law, the decision of the Tarascon Court confirms a bottom line and consolidates the case law established only a few weeks ago by the High Court in London. The latter had effectively dismissed the Polisario and irrevocably confirmed the legality of the agreements concluded by Morocco and covering its southern provinces.